August Newsletter
August 2021: A feud with Facebook, new pieces in Science Magazine and Psychology Today, and other updates from the lab. Plus, learn how to download and analyze social media data!
Summer is in full swing at the Social Identity and Morality Lab! We’re excited to share some updates about what we’ve been up to over the past month.
Our recent work has been capturing the attention of some big names in the past few weeks. From Nate Silver dunking on a paper (and simultaneously proving the point of said paper) to Facebook issuing a response to a new piece in the Washington Post, our research has been ruffling some feathers.
In a new Washington Post piece, Steve Rathje, Jay, and Sander van der Linden discussed our new research which found that the most viral posts tended to be about the opposing political party, and that posts about one’s political out-group were shared about twice as often than posts about one’s political in-group. Additionally, we found that posts about the opposition were almost exclusively negative.
Citing Karen Hao’s recent account of Facebook’s content-recommendation models, which promote posts to maximize engagement and often reward extremist content, our piece argues that such a business model “ends up rewarding politicians, brands and hyperpartisan media companies for attacking their enemies.” And because high engagement makes social media companies more money, they will be unlikely to take steps towards reducing animosity on their platforms.
In response, Facebook issued a statement referring to the piece as “simply wrong.” Check out Steve’s thread to follow along with the drama and hear our rebuttal:
Jay co-authored a new Letters to Young Scientists column for Science. The piece explored the lessons learned from the pandemic and what practices we may want to continue, or do differently, as we begin to return to some semblence of normal:
Jay’s book has finally hit the presses! And we got our very first review from Publisher’s Weekly (which, we learned, is the primary magazine for book reviews). You can read the full review at the bottom of our most recent newsletter.
In the news
Anni Sternisko was recently interviewed about how work on conspiracy theories for the You Are Not So Smart podcast and connected it to the rise of QAnon:
Jay was recently featured on Vox’s Recode podcast discussing the impact of social media on collective behavior:
And was also quoted in an article for USA Today:
I’m not sure if you would call this “In the news”, but Michael Thai made this hilarious video of the Stanford Prison Experiment (and our identity leadership re-analysis of the study) in this brilliant and funny music video:
The Power of Us
Jay and his co-author Dominic Packer will be publishing, The Power of Us, on September 7. We started a weekly newsletter, a Medium blog, and a column for Psychology Today—all with the goal of sharing insights from the book in accessible, bite-sized pieces that can help us understand our group identities and become smarter about groups. Here’s our first piece for Psychology Today, analyzing how group identities contribute to the dumpster fire that is social media:
Steve Rathje hosted a workshop on how to download and analyze data from both Twitter and Facebook. In his presentation, he details how to navigate the Twitter API and Crowdtangle (a tool for getting Facebook data), and provides tips for analyzing the data once you have it downloaded:
A few weeks back, we also had a wonderful presentation on working with physiological data from Kareena del Rosario and Dr. Tessa West. That workshop, and the resources mentioned in the video, will be live on their lab’s website sometime soon!
For more tips and workshops, check out our lab Youtube channel.
Getting together
As things are opening back up, we have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather to get together in person (and catch some rays while doing so!). Here is a snapshot from one of our recent project meetings at a cafe. We are planning a lab gathering at Central Park on Monday at 2pm if any current or former lab members want to join us. Just email Jay for the details.
Please send us any publications, pictures or stories you have for our next newsletter!
A reminder to get vaccinated
As you know, vaccinations are required for returning to campus this fall. Please get vaccinated or else you won’t be able to join us.
In case you missed our newsletter from last month:
That’s all, folks—thanks for reading and we’ll see you next month!